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Informations Profil - Aide utilisateur SMF

Informations Profil

This section provides information about viewing member profiles.


Informations Profil

The profile info summary screen displays basic forum information about a member, as well as any additional information they may wish to share. An SMF forum may be customized extensively by its administrator(s), so the information displayed may vary greatly between forums.


Nombre de messages (moyenne par jour)
Titre Personnel :
Titre Personnel
Texte Personnel:
Texte Personnel
Inscrit le:
Mois, Jour, Année et Temps
Temps local:
Mois, Jour, Année et Temps
Dernière visite:
Mois, Jour, Année et Temps

A member may view their own profile summary at any time simply by selecting Profile from the main menu. A member may view another member's profile summary by selecting the member's name whenever it is displayed on the forum. The following is commonly displayed.

  • Nom - Un membre peut choisir un nom à afficher qui sera différent que son identifiant.
  • Membergroup - If a member has been assigned a primary membergroup, it is displayed. Othwerwise, their post-based membergroup is displayed.
  • Communication Icons - If a member provides information for various communication methods such as email, web site, ICQ, or AIM, it will be displayed in the form of icons.
  • Online Status - If a member has not chosen to hide their online status, it is displayed.
  • Add To Buddy List - If the forum administrator(s) have enabled buddy lists, members may add each other as buddies.
  • Envois MP - Un membre peut envoyer un message privé à un autre membre.
  • Messages - Le forum enregistre le nombre de messages pour chaque membre ainsi qu'une moyenne par jour.
  • Show Stats - A member may view various stats related to another member.
  • Username - A member uses their username to login.
  • Messages - Le forum enregistre le nombre de messages pour chaque membre ainsi qu'une moyenne par jour.
  • E-mail - Un membre peut choisir de cacher son adresse e-mail pour ne pas qu'il s'affiche.
  • Custom Title - If a member has been given a custom title, it is displayed.
  • Personal Text - If a member has chosen to enter personal text, it is displayed.
  • Gender - A member may choose not to disclose their gender, in which case it is not displayed.
  • Age - If a member has filled in their birth date, their age is displayed.
  • Location - If a member has chosen to disclose their location, it is displayed.
  • Date Registered - The forum remembers when each member first registered.
  • Local Time - Since a member may be from any part of the world, their local time is displayed.
  • Last Active - The forum keeps track of when a member was last active.